Submitted by Jane on
Resilient Families

Resilient Families SEND Resources

What are these resources?

These resources were developed by the PZ SEND project, funded by the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT). They are dedicated to providing teachers with quality-assured media literacy resources that are accessible for children and adaptable for those that teach them.

Two video-based lessons for children of different ages and abilities explore online risks – with a focus on disinformation – and offer skills and confidence to respond. 

  • The "How to get digital superpowers" lesson may be suited to children at Key Stage 2 learning level. 
  • The "Power of resilience" lesson has more complex themes and may be better suited to children of an older age or with more digital experience. 

Both are supported by fully adaptable lesson plans and interactive activities within the video courses. 

What SEND professionals say

"I've trialled this across various pupils in my specialist school and found that it is both engaging and effective as a teaching resource."

"This video is particularly good for autistic children as it describes emotions in depth to make them more relatable. It also encourages them to talk more openly about their emotions which they may struggle to do initially."

"This video is pitched well enough for it to be accessible for all children including those with MLD. The video approach makes it more accessible to children who have dyslexia."

What works well

  • Clear instructions for teachers
  • Multiple activities to break up video watching
  • Useful pre-word teaching introduction
  • options for one longer video ir same video broken into parts

Things to consider

  • The timer in the break-out activity could be a stressful addition to some learners
  • Some pupils may struggle to listen to the video for so long
  • The lesson may take more time than expected to make sure all pupils have understood

Videos with BSL translation for Key Stage 2

Whole "How to get digital superpowers" video (20 minutes)

"How to get digital superpowers" video split into four parts:

Videos with BSL translation for Key Stage 3

Whole "The power of resilience" video (20 minutes)

"The power of resilience" video split into 3 parts: